
About Us

PT. Simba Indosnack Makmur sudah menjadi yang terdepan dalam produk sereal dan makanan ringan di Indonesia, sejak tahun 1997. Simba telah berhasil mengembangkan banyak produk ternama seperti Simba Choco Chips, Simba Sereal 2in1, Rainbow Hoops, Choco Rillas, Turbo, dan lainnya.

With owned modern facilities , product quality is always maintained properly. PT. Simba Indosnack Makmur continues to develop its production process from high quality natural ingredients into cereals, oatmeal, snacks and ready meals. All snack products are made through a baking, without a frying process. This is in line with the company's commitment to always introduce a healthy lifestyle to the community. oatmeal, makanan ringan dan makanan siap saji. Semua produk makanan ringan dibuat melalui proses pemanggangan (baking), tanpa proses penggorengan (frying). Hal ini sejalan dengan komitmen perusahaan untuk selalu memperkenalkan gaya hidup sehat kepada masyarakat.

In the moment, the company has been and has always been developing markets inside and outside Indonesia, and continuously maintains excellent product quality and service to meet the needs of the community.

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PT. Simba Indosnack Makmur has become a leading company for cereal and snack products in Indonesia

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